
*Offer valid only for new customers. Up to 8,000 sq.ft. Must agree to yearly service. Some exclusions apply.

Scranton, PA

Scranton’s Trusted Lawn Care Services

Is the amount of weeds overtaking your lawn making you feel overwhelmed? Are you in need of a professional lawn service to combat common pests? If so, Lawn Specialties is here to help. Our team of seasoned professionals has been serving the Scranton, PA, community for over 35 years, offering a wide range of tree and lawn care services tailored to meet the unique needs of properties like yours. From weed control and lime treatments to tree and shrub care, our capabilities are designed to ensure that every inch of your landscape thrives.

Lawn Fertilization Services in Scranton, PA

As one of the leading lawn care companies in Scranton, PA, we offer comprehensive fertilization services that will keep your turf healthy and lush all year round. Our experts use top-quality products to nourish your lawn, providing the essential nutrients it needs to grow strong and vibrant. Trust our lawn care pros to deliver a quality service that will make your yard the envy of the neighborhood.

Weed Control in Scranton, PA

Weeds can be a major nuisance, but our lawn care services in Scranton, PA, take them by the roots. We utilize safe and efficient methods to target and eliminate these unwanted plants, preventing them from stealing valuable nutrients from your grass. With our weed control measures, you can say goodbye to pesky weeds and hello to a lawn that pleases the eye and tickles the toes.

Lime Treatments in Scranton, PA

Sometimes, your soil may need a little help to provide the best environment for your grass. That’s where our lime treatments come in. As part of our regular lawn maintenance, we’ll assess the condition of your soil and apply lime treatments as needed. These lawn applications can balance your soil’s pH levels, promote healthier growth, and improve nutrient absorption.

Tree Care Services in Scranton, PA

Our expertise extends beyond your lawn. We also offer tree care services. Our applications for insects and diseases, coupled with our tree fertilization services, are designed to protect your trees from harm and help them thrive. If your trees aren’t providing the shade you desire, or if the bark is cracking or showing signs of a pest infestation, call on our professionals right away. We’ll provide the right treatments to restore the health of your magnificent trees.

Shrub Care in Scranton, PA

Like your trees, your shrubs also need specialized care. We provide applications for insects and diseases, as well as fertilization services, for your shrubs. Our team of experts will work to keep your shrubs healthy, lush, and vibrant, enhancing the overall aesthetic of your landscape.

Lawn Insect Control in Scranton, PA

Insects can wreak havoc on your lawn and pose health risks to your family and pets. Our lawn pest control services, including flea and tick control, grub control, and mosquito control, offer comprehensive protection against these pests. With our pest control solutions, you can enjoy your outdoor space without worry.

Signs You Need a Professional Lawn Service

Determining the right time for professional lawn applications can sometimes be tricky, but there are several telltale signs that your lawn may be in need of some extra care and attention. Here are some common indicators that you should schedule quality lawn care services with our professionals in Scranton, PA:

  • Yellowing Grass: If you notice patches of yellow or brown grass on your lawn, it’s a clear sign that your lawn is suffering from a lack of nutrients, disease, pests, or improper watering. Our yard maintenance professionals can assess the condition of your lawn, identify the cause of the discoloration, and provide the necessary treatment to restore your lawn’s health and vibrancy.
  • Bare Spots: Areas of your lawn where grass refuses to grow are not just an eyesore; they can also indicate deeper issues with your soil’s health. Bare spots can result from pest infestations, diseases, or compacted soil. Our team can help determine the cause of these bare spots and provide solutions like aeration, seeding, or pest control.
  • Excessive Weeds: Weeds are a common problem for many homeowners. If your lawn is overrun with weeds, it means that your lawn is not healthy enough to crowd them out. This could be due to poor soil quality, incorrect mowing techniques, or inadequate fertilization. Our lawn services can help eliminate the current weed population and prevent future growth.
  • Presence of Pests: Pests are a major threat to the health of your lawn. If you notice signs of insect damage, such as chewed leaves, wilting plants, or unusual brown patches, it’s time to call in the experts. Our affordable lawn care services, including grub control, can help protect your Scranton, PA, lawn from these harmful invaders.
  • Thinning Grass: If your once lush and thick lawn has started to thin out, it might be a sign that it’s lacking essential nutrients or suffering from a disease or pest infestation. Our lawn fertilization service can replenish the vital nutrients your lawn needs to flourish, while our pest control and disease management services can address any underlying issues.

Schedule a Lawn Care Service in Scranton, PA, Today

As a trusted lawn care company in Scranton, PA, we're committed to providing affordable services without compromising on quality. Whether you need regular lawn maintenance or specialized tree services, our team is ready to deliver superior results. Let us take the stress out of beautifying your landscape so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your outdoor living space. Contact us today to schedule routine lawn care services in Scranton, PA.